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Managing the medical industry’s supply chain in the era of COVID-19

Because of COVID-19, the logistics industry is monitoring the supply of medical goods across the globe as well as its impact, likely interruptions, and shortages.

Imports and Exports in the times of COVID-19

For as long as we lack the answers on how big the financial loss and how long the pandemic will last, it will be impossible to fully gauge the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy and international trade.

Opportunities for logistics for 2021 derived from the covid-19 pandemic

According to Americas Market Intelligence, these are some of the opportunities arising for logistics from the crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid-19´s effect on supply chains

The growth of the coronavirus pandemic has crated major changes in consumer habits, which has also led to interruptions in all the supply chains.

Changes in consumer habits caused by the health crisis and their impact on the supply chain

As the coronavirus pandemic grows, companies throughout the world have increased their response capabilities and have taken extraordinary measures to deliver their products and meet the new consumer habits.

Ways in which the Logistics sector is facing the threat of Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic is creating havoc in the world’s health systems and economies forcing millions of companies to shut down, especially those which raw materials or finished products come from China.


The countries assessed by PERLOG’s first stage were Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. The expectation is for this analysis to cover the totality of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in the next few years.

Managing Logistics in 2020

The priority for manufacturers and wholesalers these days should be focusing on digital transformation and embracing technology to help improve their efficiency in the short- and long-terms and be more competitive in the market.

Emerging technologies transforming the logistics industry

It is a fact: we have entered a new era. It is not enough anymore to have systems connecting with each other and with the world at large. To keep up with this decade, companies must use technological solutions that provide information, improve the processes, and give better results.

Logistics, a key element in the development of the car parts industry

By 2020, the manufacturing of car parts is expected to reach a value of 100 Billion dollars, placing Mexico as the 4th manufacturer of car parts globally. In addition, Mexico is expecting the arrival of more suppliers for this sector.