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Packaging the Future: Strategies and Commitments for a Greener World

Written by Solistica | Jul 26, 2024 5:30:00 PM

The world is increasingly aware of the importance of environmental sustainability, and companies are adopting innovative strategies to reduce their ecological impact. Sustainable packaging has become a key part of this effort, offering solutions that protect our natural resources and also drive more responsible economic development.

The sustainable packaging revolution

Sustainable packaging refers to packaging made from recycled materials or from renewable sources, designed to minimize its environmental impact without compromising the quality or functionality of the product. These packages "are designed to minimize their environmental impact, promote the conservation of natural resources and reduce waste generation". (Blog - Smurfitkappa)

This trend has gained significant momentum in recent years, driven both by growing consumer awareness and stricter government regulations. According to data from Mordor Intelligence, the sustainable packaging market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.67% between 2023 and 2028, reaching $393.39 billion in 2028. This projection reflects the growing demand for greener packaging solutions and the willingness of companies to invest in more sustainable practices.


Key strategies for Greener Packaging

1. Reduction of materials

One of the most effective strategies to achieve more sustainable packaging is the reduction of materials used. This practice not only reduces the amount of waste generated, but also optimizes costs and logistical efficiency.

"Companies can optimize costs, eliminate waste, increase operational efficiency (and therefore reduce their carbon emissions) by reducing the amount of packaging they use". (Blog-DHL)

A notable example of this strategy is the right-sizing process, where the size of the box is matched to the contents, reducing empty space and the need for additional filler. Although this practice may require an initial investment in equipment and training, the long-term benefits in terms of material savings and shipping costs are significant.

2. Use of recycled and recyclable materials

Incorporating recycled materials into the packaging process is another vital strategy. Companies are increasingly opting for recycled cardboard boxes and other sustainable materials for their packaging.

Solistica has demonstrated a strong commitment to this practice. According to the data provided, 36% of its inputs are of recycled origin and are used to provide its main services. In addition, they have managed to recycle 743.15 tons of paper and cardboard in 2023, contributing significantly to waste reduction.

3. Implementing reusable solutions

Reusable packaging represents another effective strategy for reducing the environmental impact of packaging. These include plastic containers, boxes and shipping bags that can be used multiple times before being recycled.

As the blog points out (Toyota), "Multi-use packaging is a sustainable innovation that means customers don't have to throw the containers away, as they can be resealed and used again. This makes them ideal for product returns."

An innovative example of this practice is GREEN BOX, the eco-friendly coolers developed by Solistica for cold chain transport. These coolers are not only reusable, but also offer a sustainable solution for the transport of products requiring controlled temperature.

4. Promoting recycling and the circular economy

Recycling plays a key role in creating a more sustainable packaging system. Companies are implementing internal recycling programs and collaborating with local partners to maximize material recovery.

Solistica has demonstrated an exemplary commitment in this regard, achieving that 92% of the waste generated is used to support local companies that formalize and dignify the work of waste pickers. In addition, they have sent 278 tons of waste for composting, thus contributing to the circular economy.


The impact of sustainable strategies

Implementing these sustainable packaging strategies not only benefits the environment, but can also have a positive impact on business performance:

  1. Cost reduction: Optimizing materials and processes can lead to significant savings. For example, Solistica achieved savings of more than 3 million Mexican pesos by retreading 586 tires.
  2. Improved brand image: Consumers increasingly value sustainable practices. A GlobalWendix study revealed that "six out of ten millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable products". (
  3. Innovation and differentiation: The search for sustainable packaging solutions can drive innovation, leading to unique designs that stand out in the marketplace. As ESAN notes, "The ability to provide innovative and sustainable packaging can be a powerful contributor to competitive differentiation". (
  4. Regulatory compliance: With increasingly stringent sustainability regulations, adopting green packaging practices helps companies stay compliant.


Challenges and future considerations

Despite significant advances in sustainable packaging, there are still challenges to address:

  1. Striking a balance between sustainability and functionality: It is crucial to find solutions that are environmentally friendly without compromising product protection and quality. "Reducing void-fill also decreases the amount of protection a package has, which could lead to an increase in damaged shipments." (Blog-DHL)
  2. Consumer education: Awareness of the importance of recycling and the proper use of sustainable packaging needs to be increased. Businesses have a crucial role to play in educating their customers about recycling and reuse practices.
  3. Recycling infrastructure: Continuous improvement is required in the collection and processing systems for recyclable materials. Collaboration between businesses, governments and communities is essential to develop an efficient recycling infrastructure.
  4. Innovation in materials: Research and development of new biodegradable and compostable materials continues to be an area of opportunity. Smurfit Kappa mentions some of these innovative materials: "cardboard, paper, glass, bioplastics or plant-based plastics, compostable plant-based materials and even natural fabrics such as cotton or silk". (Blog - Smurfitkappa)


Emerging trends in sustainable packaging

As the industry evolves, new trends are emerging that are shaping the future of sustainable packaging:

  1. Smart packaging: The integration of technologies such as QR codes and augmented reality into sustainable packaging allows companies to provide additional information about the product and its environmental impact, promoting transparency and consumer awareness.
  2. Design for disassembly: This trend focuses on creating packaging that can be easily disassembled into its individual components, facilitating recycling and reuse of materials.
  3. Biomimicry: Inspired by nature, some companies are developing packaging that mimics natural structures and processes, resulting in more efficient and sustainable solutions.
  4. Edible packaging: For certain food products, edible wrappings are being developed that completely eliminate the need to dispose of packaging.
  5. Plastic circular economy: Although plastic remains a challenge, there are growing efforts to create a plastic circular economy, where plastic is continuously recycled and reused rather than discarded after a single use.


The role of technology in sustainable packaging

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in creating more sustainable packaging solutions:

  1. 3D printing: This technology allows packaging prototypes to be created quickly and efficiently, reducing waste in the design phase.
  2. Artificial intelligence: AI is used to optimize packaging design, reducing material usage and improving logistics efficiency.
  3. Blockchain: This technology can help track the full life cycle of packaging, ensuring transparency and authenticity of sustainable practices.
  4. Internet of Things (IoT): IoT sensors in packaging can provide real-time data on product condition, reducing waste and improving supply chain efficiency.


Joining forces for a sustainable future

The path to a more sustainable future in packaging requires a joint effort by companies, consumers and governments. The strategies discussed, from reducing materials to implementing reusable solutions such as Solistica's GREEN BOX, demonstrate that it is possible to combine sustainability with business efficiency.

"Companies can reduce their environmental impact and generate long-term value for their stakeholders and society as a whole by incorporating environmental considerations into all stages of the packaging process".(

As we move forward, it is necessary for companies to continue to innovate and adapt their packaging practices to meet the demands of an increasingly environmentally conscious world. A commitment to sustainability benefits the planet and can drive long-term business growth and competitiveness.

Find out how Solistica can help your company implement innovative, eco-friendly packaging solutions. From our GREEN BOX coolers to our packaging optimization services, we have the tools to make your supply chain greener and more efficient. Contact us today for a personalized consultation and start packaging a more sustainable future for your business and the planet.